👑The Iron Crown👑

Howdy booklovers! Happy friday! I’m so excited to be a part of the Storytellers on tour book blitz for L L MACRAE The Iron Crown! qotd do you have a favourite dragon?Stay tuned for my review! But for now, here’s the blurb… how amazing does it sound?! Blurb Fenn’s first and only memory is findingContinue reading “👑The Iron Crown👑”

Scandalous Alchemy Blog Tour

Howdy booklovers! Welcome to my stop on the Scandalous Alchemy tour! Thank you to Head of Zeus and Katy Moran for having me! Synopsis In a Bridgerton-style Regency world, three people are caught in a web of passion and deceit..Fontainebleau in 1825 is a glittering international court, rich with intrigue, passion and simmering violence. LieutenantContinue reading “Scandalous Alchemy Blog Tour”

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